Manage your office inventory with the Formaloo app builder

Collecting office inventory is a tedious and complicated task for any individual. Formaloo has created a ready-to-customize app template to do this to get rid of paperwork.


Collecting office inventory is a tedious and complicated task for any individual. Formaloo has created a ready-to-customize app template to do this to get rid of paperwork.

Information such as what is in stock in the office, what snacks in the office should be purchased, and all are informed that the manager of a startup or a growth organization should monitor, even if you are the manager of a large organization. You are not safe from the process.

So what should we do? Instead of seeing thousands of paper forms on your desk or getting lost in spreadsheets, you can check and manage all inventory with just one app.

How do I create an app to check my office inventory?

You have a few steps to build a good office inventory app. The first step is to make the required databases.

At this stage, you should try to define different formaloos according to the needs of the company. For example, in the Formaloo Office Inventory app, we have created four separate formaloos called All Snack Orders, Devices, Furniture, and All Employees.

1. Build a formaloo for all Employees

The easiest and shortest form you need to create is this formaloo. By making this, you can have the names of employees and their positions. On the other hand, you can also have information about the devices they use.

  1. The creation of this formaloo, like the rest of the formaloos, begins with the opening of the formaloo dashboard.
  2. In this formaloo, you can enter any information you need from your employees.
  3. Add a “short text” for the name field.
  4. Make another “short text” for Role.
  5. Create a “multi-choice” field for Devices.
  6. Add furniture with another “multi-choice”.

2. Collect the office devices to keep track of the office inventory

What devices do your employees use? With this formaloo, you can collect each of them and have an accurate and regular list.

  1. Create a blank formaloo in your Formaloo dashboard.
  2. You can add any field you want to have in the Device formaloo
  3. You can add the name of the devices as a “dropdown” field. It could be a “Lookup” field also. To look up a form you should choose the “Lookup” field, and after that, you can write a title for the field (Like other fields), you can choose a formaloo and connect a specific field of this to your new form.
  4. Specify the device type with the “dropdown” field.
  5. Add a “long text” field for the serial number.
  6. You can have a “dropdown” field for current owners.

3. Create a snack order formaloo

There are several snacks in the office that need to be checked for inventory. To do this, we have a form so that we can collect the snacks’ info well. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a single-step formaloo in your Formaloo dashboard.
  2. Add the fields that you know you need to understand the inventory of office snacks.
  3. You can add a “short text” field for snack names.
  4. You can select their condition with a “single choice” field, for example, ordered or not.
  5. Simplify your work by adding a shop name for each of these items.
  6. You will have more detailed information if you add prices with the “short text” field.
  7. Do you have a note? Record it with a “long text”.

4. Add a formaloo to manage the furniture

For furniture formaloo, you can follow the office devices steps. It needs all the office device fields like name, type, serial number, current owner, photo, and notes. You can add fields like “Condition” or “intact” to check the status of your furniture.

You can add the “Lookup” field, After that, you should choose your form and your specific field of this form, No you have a Lookup field if you changed the second form, the Lookup field will update automatically.

Bring every data together into an app!

Now it’s time to build an app! The process of creating an application starts with adding your data and forms to the app.

You can create an app on each of your formaloos. For creating an app, at first, you should go to the “results” tab of your formaloo and click on the “App Builder” option. By editing your app, you can add your menus and menu items.

For each formaloo, you can create a menu item and show your data in a table view, charts, or forms.


You can manage your office inventory and be aware of your office supplies in the simplest possible way with this application. If you want to get acquainted with the rest of Formaloo applications and see the complete list of Formaloo articles, join our tutorials.

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Manage your office inventory with the Formaloo app builder