7 Steps to create your own self-grading quiz
Get ready to boost your online presence and engage your audience with this automatically graded quiz on Formaloo. Learn how to create your own self-grading quiz in just a few simple steps!

Get ready to boost your online presence and engage your audience with this automatically graded quiz on Formaloo. Learn how to create your own self-grading quiz in just a few simple steps!
Quizzes are an interactive way to engage your students and assess their knowledge. With Formaloo, you can easily create a custom self-graded quiz that will keep your students motivated and helps you gather valuable insights.
To make a quiz with auto-grading:
- You can choose a form from the Education category in Templates for the self-grading quiz or
- Create and customize your quiz form on your dashboard.
Watch this video to learn more.
Let’s get started with the step-by-step instructions for creating a Self-Correcting Quiz with this customized template on Formaloo;
1- Customise your online auto-grading quiz form
First, add your title and description, and Click on Design to choose your form type as a multi or single step. You can also activate the Shuffle buttons to shuffle your questions and answers. There are two types of shuffle your questions on the Design menu:
- You can shuffle all questions by activating “Shuffle field order” and shuffle the question options by activating “Shuffle the order of choice on the field“.
- Also, you can click on each question you want and activate the “Shuffle options order” for it.

2- Add your questions to your self-grading test
Go back to settings and add the Text field for Student name, ID number, and any other information you want from students.
You can also add Email Verification from fields allowing students to verify their email before starting the quiz.
Now it’s time to add your questions using the Single Choice or Multiple Choice field. Write your question in the Title and the answers in Options. Adding an image to your answer options is also possible.
After making your questions, you can separate your pages on Single Step forms. For this step, at the end of each page, click on Add Field and add a Page Break Field.
To add images and pictures to your question, activate “Advanced Description” and upload your picture for the question in your auto-correction quiz form.
Also, you can add photos and images for your question options by uploading pictures for each option.

3- Making an Answer Sheet for a self-grading quiz
Upon completing the quiz and submitting the test, you can have a link to the answer sheet. How to do that? Click on Calculator, choose your question, then click on the Answer Sheet tab and write your answer. Do it for all of your questions and save. After submitting the quiz, the correct answers are shown by clicking on the answer sheet button.

4- Add Score to your questions
You can add scores to each question in the quiz. For example, click on the Logic, go to Advanced Logic, click on Add If/Else on each question and insert the score you want.
For example, as you see in the picture, a condition can be like this: if the answer to your question is option 1, then +Add 5 to the Score.

You can also add a negative value to your score. So the score will be automatically adjusted in the total score.
Don’t forget the next step to show the Total Score after submitting the quiz. You can also have separate scores for each course.
Our example has four lessons, so we add four variable fields for each one and one variable for the Total Score. And each field has an “ID” property, as shown in the following picture.
You can choose the “Formula” type for the total score to calculate the total quiz score by adding all scores in the “Default Value” box.

5- Add Success Pages based on the score
The Result of the self-grading quiz, whether a student passes or fails, will be based on their total score. There is a specific threshold that the student’s score must be above or below to pass or fail.
Watch the video How to make Multiple success messages for forms.
To add these two parts, scroll down your self-graded quiz form to the end of the Edit page. Next, click on the “+ AddSuccess Page” button, and type your success message for each page. Now you need to add Logic to continue this step. Don’t forget to add a title for each success page to use in logic.
Our example has two success pages with “pass” and “fail” titles.

Now click on Logic, go to Advanced Logic, scroll down and after the last question, add a new condition to your auto-grading quiz. For example: if the Score is greater or equal to 20, “After Submit, Go to Success Page” and choose the “pass” success page.
And add another condition: if the Score is less than 20, “After Submit, Go to Success Page” and choose the “fail” success page.

6- Scheduling and Time management
Your quiz can have a time limit, and users will see a timer counting as they take the test. Next, click on Setting, scroll down, and fill in the Active From and Active To, which have date format. Now add your quiz time limitation in the Timer box.

7- Presentation Mode
Presentation mode lets you present your self-grading quiz results and answers to the public. Share your link on your website or share it with your audiences.
Learn more about the Presentation mode and How to present your form responses in live mode on Formaloo.
Click on the Result at the top of the page, choose Form Options, and choose the Presentation button.

Now active Enable Presentation Mode and Show all responses, reports & charts. You can customize any fields you want to your automatically graded quizzes and show them in the presentation mode. Click on Save, and that’s all!
You can see our sample presentation mode.

Creating an online self-grading quiz with an answer sheet on Formaloo is an easy process that allows you to engage and assess your audience in a fun and interactive way.
Following the steps outlined on this page, you can easily create a quiz whether you want to use it for educational, business, or personal purposes. In addition, Formaloo offers a range of features that makes it creative and ready to publish.
If you have any questions, check out Formaloo’s support page to find ways you can contact us.
Don’t forget to watch Formaloo’s YouTube channel to see new features.