Nous fournissons des solutions d'entreprise puissantes aux entreprises du monde entier.

Notre mission

Rendre les données et la veille économique accessibles à tous. Nous y parvenons en fournissant des informations exploitables et percutantes, et en aidant les entreprises à exploiter leur potentiel de croissance en tirant parti de leurs données.

Les valeurs de Formaloo

Nous aspirons à vivre selon le
« Credo Formaloo »

I will never stop learning. I believe in the power of self-learning and learning by doing. I believe what you learn is always greater than what you know.

I believe coding and creating products is an art and real artists ship. I believe perfect is the enemy of good. I believe a working product is the primary measure of progress. I will embrace thinking outside the box and I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I believe the outcome matters more than the process, working hours, or being in the office.

I believe in the power of ideas. I will value simplicity, impact, and efficiency above all else. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers. I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day. Given time, there is no insurmountable problem.

I will make a dent in IT history by changing the way people work with data. I believe for a product to be impactful, it should be a platform for its users’ success. I am more motivated by impact than money. I will communicate as much as possible because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company.

I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me. I won’t put off until tomorrow what I can do today. I believe people’s skills and creativity always matter more than their certifications. I will contribute and give back to communities, more than I took from them.

We share the same passion with companies like WordPress & Gitlab by sharing our values as our creed, check out Matt’s post “Why Your Company Should Have A Creed."

« Nous ne créons pas de produits pour gagner de l'argent, nous gagnons de l'argent pour créer de meilleurs produits. »

Parlons chiffres


Formulaires et applications créés


Clients analysés


Année de fondation


Employés engagés

Nos investisseurs

Nos bureaux

Toronto, Canada
10 Dundas St, ON M5B 2G9
Tallinn, Estonie
Mäealuse 2-4-3rd floor, 12618
Londres, Royaume-Uni
Bientôt disponible!

Notre équipe

We’re dedicated to building a diverse team — in all senses of the word. And in the spirit of our behavior of radical candor: we’re not there yet. But here’s how we’re doing so far.

Les équipes adorent travailler avec Formaloo.

Découvrez pourquoi plus de 25 000 entreprises de plus de 30 pays font confiance à Formaloo pour réunir leurs équipes, leurs outils et leurs données en un seul endroit.

Nous aimerions vous connaître

Nous recherchons des personnes exceptionnelles pour nous rejoindre. Si notre credo reflète vos valeurs quotidiennes, postulez dès aujourd'hui !
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